
Wednesday, June 30, 2010

How much armies do a capital have?

If you are trying to know what is the troop amount the capital has, below is an example:
Below is a sample information of how the troops in the capital has (Data was taken from one of the many China Servers):

Enjoy ! ^-^

Example 1:
Labour: 11414756
Rookie: 760987
Scout: 2240003
Pike: 1554263
Swordmen: 1648757
Archer: 1243472
Cavs: 800903
Cuirs: 136973
Rickshaw: 903215
Ballistae: 202599
Battering Rams: 35288
Trebs: 55102
Example 2:
Labour: 13468014
Rookie: 14379085
Scout: 315747
Pike: 726217
Swordmen: 1291052
Archer: 466854
Cavs: 275198
Cuirs: 428261
Rickshaw: 102698
Ballistae: 56645
Battering Rams: 145772
Trebs: 70619

Note: The troops amount above can be different in each servers.

By the way, just a short information for you guys, its impossible for you guys to unlock the capital now (Especially from this current verison).

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