
Saturday, April 3, 2010


You can give 1-3 Administrative Decree to cities in County area (within 100 squares of radius), 4-6 Administrative Decree in Shire area, and 8 Administrative Decree in Prefecture area . Decree is just like levying on the villager in the city , but instead of villager , you are levying the player in the area .You must have a Government level 10 and certain Military Rank to use privilege. You can only levy on 1 city per day and you cannot give Administrative Decree to players with Newbies Attack Immunity, using Parley, on vacation or with other immunity. (metropolis city not included)

How to distinguish metropolis cities




Type of Administrative Decree

  • Collect Food ( You can gain 10% of total Food in this city when you collect Food. )

  • Collect Troops ( You can decrease the soldiers of largest quantity by 2% and gain 1% accordingly when you collect troops in this city.)

  • Demelitarize ( Ordering Demilitarization decreases the soldiers of largest quantity by 5% in this city.)

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