
Saturday, April 3, 2010

Tips For Gathering At Wilderness

Jewelry gathering rate

Coral lake>plain>swamp=forest>pasture=barren>upland
Liuli barren>pasture>plain>forest=swamp>lake=upland
Amber forest>pasture>plain=swamp>barren=lake>upland
Agate upland>barren>swamp>forest=pasture=plain>lake
Crystal upland>forest=pasture=plain>barren=swamp>lake
Emerald swamp>forest=upland>plain=barren=pasture>lake
Jade barren>upland>plain=forest=pasture>swamp>lake
Star Gem lake>swamp>barren=upland=plain=forest=pasture

Send 150 scouts to gather at each wilderness. Scouts are high in tempo and yet only consume a little food.
What effect the amount of harvest?

1. Level of wilderness. The higher the wilderness, the more source will get and the rate to get the items will more high.

2. Quantity Dispatch. The more troops gather, the more source will get and the rate to get the items will more high.

3. Hero's level. The higher the hero for gather, the more source will get and the rate to get the items will more high.

4. Time of gather. The longer the time for gather, the more source will get and the rate to get the items will more high.
Uses of Jewelry:

1) Promotion of Military Rank / Noble Rank
2) Hiring of High Heroes
3) Recycling for gold using Lvl 5 market and above
4) Donating to NPC for Influence and items
5) Daily Routine board (Sometimes you exchange jewelry for the item of the day)

Military Rank-----------------
Sergeant (starting)

Second Lieutenant--Government reaches Level 2, 10000 Gold

Lieutenant--Government reaches Level 4, 20000 Gold, 5 pearl

Captain--Government reaches Level 6, 30000 Gold, 5 Coral

Senior Captain--Government reaches Level 8, 40000 Gold, 5 Liuli

Major--Government reaches Level 10, 50000 Gold, 5 Amber
Colonel--Gold 100,000, Noble Rank reaches High Knight, Own County, Pearl 10, Coral 10, Liuli 10, Amber 10

Senior Colonel--Gold 200,000, Noble Rank reaches Baronet, Own County, Amber 5, Liuli 5, Coral 5, Pearl 5

Brigadier--Own County, Noble Rank reaches Viscount, Gold 400,000, Pearl 15, Coral 15, Liuli 15, Amber 15
Major General--Own Shire, Noble Rank reaches Marquis, Gold 800,000, Coral 20, Liuli 20, Amber 20, Agate 20

Lieutenant General--Own Shire, Noble Rank reaches Count, Gold 1,000,000, Liuli 25, Amber 25, Agate 25, Crystal 25
Admiral--Own Shire, Noble Rank reaches Archduck, Gold 2,000,000, Amber 30, Agate 30, Crystal 30, Emerald 30

Marshal--Own Prefecture, Noble Rank reaches Prince, Gold 500,0000, Agate 60, Crystal 50, Emerald 40, Jade 30

Noble Rank
Civilian (starting) , city owned 1

Livery--Influence reaches 1000, Military Rank reaches Second Lieutenant, Gold 20000, Pearl 10, Coral 5, City = 2

Chamberlain--Influence reaches 2000, Military Rank reaches Lieutenant, Gold 40000, Coral 10, Liuli 5, City = 3
Knight Apprentice--Influence reaches 4000, Military Rank reaches Captain, Gold 60000, Liuli 10, Amber 5, City = 4

Knight--Influence reaches 8000, Military Rank reaches Senior Captain, Gold 80000, Amber 10, Agate 5, City = 5
High Knight--Influence reaches 16000, Military Rank reaches Major, Gold 100000, Agate 10, Crystal 5, City = 6

Less Lord--Influence reaches 32000, Military Rank reaches Colonel, Gold 200000, Cystal 10, Emerald 5, City = 7

Baronet--Influence reaches 64000, Military Rank reaches Colonel, Gold 300000, Emerald 10, Jade 5, City = 8

Baron--Influence reaches 128000, Military Rank reaches Senior Colonel, Gold 400000, Jade 10, Star Gem 5, City = 9

Viscount--Influence reaches 256000, Military Rank reaches Senior Colonel, Gold 500000, Pearl 20, Coral 15, Liuli 10, Amber 5, City = 10
Landgrave--Influence reaches 512000, Military Rank reaches Brigadier, Gold 600000, Coral 20, Liuli 15, Amber 10, Agate 5, City = 11

Marquis--Influence reaches 1024000, Military Rank reaches Brigadier, Gold 800000, Liuli 20, Amber 15, Agate 10, Crystal 5, City = 12
Archmarquis--Influence reaches 2048000, Military Rank reaches Major General, Gold 1000000, Amber 20, Agate 15, Crystal 10, Emerald 5, City = 13

Count--Influence reaches 4096000, Military Rank reaches Major General, Gold 2000000, Agate 20, Crystal 15, Emerald 10, Jade 5, City = 14

Duke--Influence reaches 8192000, Military Rank reaches Lieutenant General, Gold 3000000, Crystal 20, Emerald 15, Jade 10, Star Gem 5, City = 15

Archduke--Influence reaches 16384000, Military Rank reaches Lieutenant General, Gold 4000000, Pearl 50, Coral 40, Liuli 30, Amber 20, Agate 10, City = 16
Grandee--Influence reaches 32768000, Military Rank reaches Admiral, Gold 5000000, Coral 50, Liuli 40, Amber 30, Agate 20, Crystal 10, City = 17
Prince--Influence reaches 65536000, Military Rank reaches Admiral, Gold 6000000, Liuli 50, Amber 40, Agate 30, Crystal 20, Emerald 10, City = 18

First Prince--Influence reaches 131072000, Military Rank reaches Marshal, Gold 8000000, Amber 50, Agate 40, Crystal 30, Emerald 20, Jade 10, City = 19
Less King--Influence reaches 262144000, Military Rank reaches Marshal, Gold 10000000, Agate 50, Crystal 40, Emerald 30, Jade 20, Star Gem 10, City = 20

King--Influence reaches 524288000, Military Rank reaches Marshal, Gold 20000000, Pearl 100, Liuli 80, Agate 60, Emerald 40, Star Gem 20, City = 21

Vice-emperor--Influence reaches 1048576000, Military Rank reaches Imperatorial, Gold 50000000, Coral 100, Amber 90, Crystal 80, Jade 70, Star Gem 50, City = 22

Type of jewelry :

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