
Friday, August 6, 2010

Anthropogenic Disaster and Natural Disaster

In the games, gamers not only just build the city and battle but sometimes some disaster or bliss may happened. Gamers can use “Sacrifice” to avoid 1 natural disaster and expect 1 bliss.

Anthropogenic Disaster

Brigand : Gold loss 10%. Gold was piled up too much.

Locust Plague : Food Loss 10%. Food was piled up too much.

Conflagration : Lumber Loss 10%. Lumber was piled up too much.

Collapse : Stone Loss 10%. Stone was piled up too much.

Mining Disaster : Iron loss 10%. Iron was piled up too much.

Plague : Population loss 10%. Population was piled up too much.

Riot : Gold, Food, Lumber, stone, Iron, Population ,all loss 10% . Happens when Allegiance <50.

Mutiny : Troops loss . Happens when the food production rate <0 during Food Check.

Abandon : Hero escape, fidelity <50 hero will have the possibility to escape.

Complaints : Hero Fidelity -1 , happens when there was insufficient Gold to pay them.

Natural Disaster

Flood : Randomly happens 1 times,city will suffer from certain damage.

Hail storm : Randomly happens 1 times,city will suffer from the certain damage.

Drought : Randomly happens 1 times,city will suffer from certain damage.

Blizzard : Randomly happens 1 times,city will suffer from certain damage.

Bliss Report

Donate : Merchants donated gold, earn extra gold.

Great Harvest : Good weather, good harvest, earn extra foods.

Lush : Trees are growing well, earn extra woods.

Stone Hill : Stone hill is found, earn extra stone.

Bonanza : Found Iron hill, extra earn iron.

Peace :People lives a happy life. Population increases 5% gradually.

Contented:People are contented with your governance. Increase allegiance 30 . Allegiance would not over 100 .

Volunteer:A Hero volunteered to assist. Gain 1 extra hero,fidelity 80. It only happen when there is a free space in the tavern. Volunteered hero will not consume gold, gamers need to click Accept to became own hero. Gamers also can choose to Decline” it.

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