
Thursday, August 5, 2010

Free Building Acceleration

Recently, one of my league member sent me a mail saying that the constructions that has only 5 minutes left on the timer can be shortened to 5 seconds with the click of a button and it is totally free of charge.. I tried and it works perfectly !!!

You need to have a construction process which is lower than 5 minutes. If you have a construction longer then 5 minutes, then you will have to wait until the last 5 minutes to accelerate freely.

Waiting for the construction ......

Click the accelerate button when the completion time left 5 minutes.

And instead of bringing you to the accelerate page, your building had been shortened to
5 sec - 10 sec for free.

If you accelerate before 5 minutes , you will be brought to the normal acceleration page.

According to Kingory Official Website, it is a feature update , other updates including :

League's Name

The usual League's Name slot consist of only 8 alphanumerical empty spaces. After the update, a League's Name will be able to house a 16 alphanumerical name.

Construction Speed-Up

After the updates are done, constructions that has only 5 minutes left on the timer can be shortened to 5 seconds with the click of a button and it is totally free of charge.

PS : Thanks to Kylder for the updates information.

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