
Friday, August 13, 2010

Items > Mercenary Order

"The best item in Kingory. It is cheap and yet useful."

Mercenary Order is used in arena to " borrrow " army from the NPC. After the battle , survived Mercenaries can't be brought out from the battle field , it will be converted to glory.

There are 2 types of arena , PvE Arena and PvE and PvP Arena.

Requirements : A bravery hero , Livery , 1~3 Hours ( That's your time limit in an Arena ).

Time to attack !

I'm going to show you a level 11 arena which is commonly played.

To fully benefits from an level 11 arena, you will need to start from He Nei. He Nei is located at the top left corner of the arena.

Bring your Bravery hero ( any Bravery hero ranging from 100 ~ 200 ) along with a cavalry ( Cavalry walks the fastest among all soldiers that can be brought to the arena ). After your troops reach HeNei , dispatch 99999 Trebuchets. It will cost you 5 Mercenary Order ( 15 diamonds ) and 8000 glory. After successful reinforcement, start attacking LuoYang. The trebuchets speed will follow the cavalry speed which is 2 minutes 20 seconds to reach each city. Attack only the general in each city to saves up more time. After you finished the general , you can get the reward at the Arena Quests.

Follow these pathways to defeats all the Generals in 2 hour :

LuoYang > HulaoGuan ( You will need to defeat all troops in this city to proceed to the next city ) > ChangShe > YingChuan > YangZhai > XiHua > WanCheng > NanYang > WanCheng > NanYang > DengCheng > FanCheng > XinYe > RuNan > XiEJingShan > WuPing > ChenLiu > Dong Jun > CangTing > Dong Jun > GuangZhong ( boss ) , > JuLu ( boss ) > XiaQuYang ( boss )

The biggest problem in an level 11 arena is the swordmen. At JuLu, which is the red coloured city , they have more than 400 k swordmen. Another major problems is the cavalries , check out the screenshot I had taken :

140 k Cavalries !!! That's a lot !!! Its impossible to win this arena , plus I'm using a noob hero. But if i use the right strategy , maybe I can win . It just that I'm doing my blog at that crucial moment and when I check back , I had lost. When you are facing with a huge amount of cavalries, command your trebuchets to stay in defense mode in the first round. The cavalries will reach you in the third round , so hopefully you can finish it by the second round. Don't let the cavalries touch you , trebuchets are weak at close combats.

By completing all Arena Quests , you can get up to 300k influence per round.

Tips and Tricks:

Taking 1 Cavalry with your Hero's troops initially gives you the Cavalry speed. This doesn't work with Scouts and it won't work with any troops except Mercenary troops. Your troops still have normal speed and the game will send Mercenaries at the speed of your lowest speed troop. Keep that in mind when carrying your own troops into the Arena.

Go Straight for the Judges, then swing back down and clean the place out. You should easily be able to clear out all the named Generals in your three hours.

You won't need more than 1 Hero unless your battles are going slow. Unless you want to burn Mercenary Orders for more Mercenaries, I recommend just getting a really solid troop and steamrolling. You'll learn quickly what troops are the best, and what level Arenas work best for you.

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