1. Can we attack a city by joining the forces with players of different accounts who have come before me?
Sorry, but you cannot. According to the order of arrival time, you must wait till previous players finish their turns one by one before you can launch an attack of your own.
2. How often do I suffer a plunder from the NPC? Does it relate to my Noble Rank or Influence?
Player suffers plunder by NPC randomly. But Newbies under Newbies Immunity are protected. This random plunder by NPC is related to your Noble Rank and Influence in a complicated manner.
3. Why is the Hit Points of the Wall always full though I have defeated it to 0. When I try to attack a city, why are there still Rookies from the enemy's city even though the player is off line?
Wall's Hit Points is always reset to the fullest after every attack and Idle Peasant-turned Rookies are set to automatically fight against invasion, no matter the player is on-line or not.
4. What if my castellan stays in Offense status after my city is attacked? How to change his status?
Try replacing the castellan with an unemployed hero, or you can click Hero Lounge => Appoint Hero => Dismiss.
5. Why doesn’t the Soldiers in Military Rank coincide with my actual recruited soldiers in Barracks?
Soldiers in Military Rank refer to the required peasants for soldiers recruitment. For example, 1 Archer requires 2 peasants, then 2000 Archers would be shown as 4000 soldiers in Military Rank.
6. Why are my Siege and Guard both 0?
Siege means you gain Influence through offense, and Guard means your defend your city to gain Influence. Normally victors will be rewarded with Influence but when two sides have huge disparity in Influence, the player may even gain Influence in defeat. However, in NPC Battle, Influence simply doesn’t count.
7. Why is the Scouting Report of cities level 1, quite different from my previous scouting result?
Current game dictates that if the city you conquer is the last one for your opponent, you can only get a city level 1. This is in accordance with our concept of Newbies Attack Immunity. However, if the conquered city is not the last city of your opponent, then the city level will only random drop 1 to 3 level or will remain intact.
8. Why does Battlefield Distance vary?
Battlefield Distance varies according to the range of troops from both sides.Troops with long ranged attack capability such as Archers naturally havel longer Battlefield Distance.
9. Why can’t I dispatch troops to my own city?
Probably your Hero Lounge is full at the moment. Try upgrading it or you won’t be able to dispatch heroes or troops to your own city.
10. Why can’t I maraud my enemies’ Gold?
Current game setting dictates that you can maraud all resources except Gold through Marauding Battle; but through Conquering Battle, you can maraud virtually anything. But your success at marauding resources will be limited.
11. How to prevent being marauded?
Sell your resources to Market or transport them to wilderness with transportation troops. You can also simply upgrade building or resource fields so you have nothing left to be marauded.
12. Why does my Influence fall in spite of victory?
Influence is determined by your troops population.If you lose troops massively during a victory, you Influence is sure to fall dramatically!
13. If during a transportation, the destination city is conquered before the resources arrive, what will happen to the resources?
Unfortunately, all the resources will be lost since the destination city has fallen.
14. Why am I told that I don’t have sufficient Load and cannot carry so much resource?
Your destination seems too far so resource cannot be transported by your troops. Consider upgrading your Load, applying technology for help, or just choosing another city closer to the destination to dispatch your resources.
15. Why can my enemies soon reinstall Fortification during my second strike even though I have eliminated all their Fortification during my first strike?
Repair Technology must have allowed them to repair their fortifications. Higher the level of Repair Technology, faster the fortifications are repaired.
16. After a maraud, why would I be warned in Battle Report that my target cities have been alerted and hid their resources?
In order for our players to have enough time for development, the daily success at marauding resources is limited so now you are basically getting nothing.
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