
Thursday, July 29, 2010

How to Increase Population ?

Population is needed to upgrade your Government and building troops . Here is a few tricks to increase your population :
1 . Upgrading and building more Cottages in your city is paramount in expanding your Population.

2 . Lower tax rates are helpful in attracting more Population.
3 . Use Item Census Order to rapidly increase Population if necessary.

4 . You can also try using Appease at your Government to increase your allegiance, which will then in turn increase your population, or use Reproduction, which instantly increases your population via the cost of food.

5 . Last but not least , the trick i founded out. I need more population to upgrade my Government and I tried and it works !

I can choose to lower the tax but I'm not showing this method today. The other method is you will have to build a couple of soldiers in the barrack ( The more the better , building rookies is highly recommended ). Wait for some couple o f day for your population to increase back to maximum and at the same time wait for your resources to increase. When the time has come , dismiss your soldiers.

Here is the result :

Sometimes when you dismiss too many soldiers , your current population will exceed the maximum capacity. And you will receive a Anthropogenic Disaster Report for overpopulating.

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